They did it! They all found new homes! Gorgeous George, Duffy, Hocus Pocus and Barney were sold with a few seconds of the 'Winter Warmer' show opening ... I was astounded by the frantic pace of my inbox so early in the show!
Hocus Pocus 18" ... destination USA!
Benny's new owner was frantically trying to contact me from Australia through the night, but unfortunately this weary bearmaker had nodded off at 2am GMT and was in a deep sleep far away in the Land of Nod, on the other side of the world, when the flurry of 'Benny' emails dropped into her inbox! Luckily all was put to rights at breakfast time this morning, which was also the time Toddy's new owner claimed her special Winter Warmer bear! So, before I had even found time to eat my bowl of fruit 'n fibre, all six show bears had been snapped up by eager collectors.

Benny's new owner was frantically trying to contact me from Australia through the night, but unfortunately this weary bearmaker had nodded off at 2am GMT and was in a deep sleep far away in the Land of Nod, on the other side of the world, when the flurry of 'Benny' emails dropped into her inbox! Luckily all was put to rights at breakfast time this morning, which was also the time Toddy's new owner claimed her special Winter Warmer bear! So, before I had even found time to eat my bowl of fruit 'n fibre, all six show bears had been snapped up by eager collectors.

My day has been spent organising admin for each of the sales, updating my website and drinking copious cups of coffee in an effort to stay awake. I think I'm due an early night tonight; this ol' lady doesn't cope well with late nights these days and her head is all a-blur!

The show is currently live as I write and I've just taken a peek at the participating artist's booths ... sales are progressing well it appears! I think the international flavour of this show has a special appeal for both collectors and exhibitors. Penny, the organiser, provided us with a forum so that we could chat and keep in touch throughout the show and that has been a wonderful bonus! It has cemented a truly friendly atmosphere among exhibitors spread right around the globe, creating that elusive magical showtime 'buzz'.

I need a rest right now, but be assured, I will be eager to prepare for our next BAO online show as soon as it is announced in 2008, because I really enjoy this way of exhibiting my work to collectors. It's friendly, fun and very exciting!

Toddy 20" ... destination United Kingdom!
WOW !! BIG congrats Paula. Says pretty wonderful things about your bears doesn't it??
ReplyDeleteway to go......
Vee, that's such a lovely compliment! Thank you! You've put a big smile on my face today x