After a busy Easter away from my bears, today I am back at my desk having a tidy up and looking forward to a (hopefully!) peaceful afternoon of gentle teddy bear making...
On Easter Saturday, life unexpectedly filled with challenges when my husband's father suffered a stroke and was admitted into hospital. We were also hosting my daughter's two dogs, one an extremely nervous rescue, while she travelled overseas and were up to our eyeballs in paint and wallpaper in an attempt to redecorate our living room/dining room ... so as you will imagine, Easter hols have been rather a stressful time.
For sanity's sake, I set aside my bear-making and instead picked up my knitting needles whenever an opportunity for a quiet moment presented itself. I find the process of knitting, particularly aran knitting, very calming, so making the aran cardigan in the photo above for my granddaughter has been an ideal stressbuster... and little Izzy was delighted with her cosy new 'Nana' cardigan and 'magic rainbow buttons', which, according to Izzy, make all grumps disappear if you press them. If only adult life was so straightforward! I love Izzy's four-almost-five-year-old world, it is such a happy, sensible, place to live.
Please accept my sincere apologies if you have visited my website over the past three weeks in the hope of finding my latest teddy bears. My father-in-law is still in hospital but thankfully now recovering, the living room makeover is almost finished and our doggy visitors return home tomorrow... so with a little bit of luck, I will soon be back on an even bear-making keel again.