This poor fellow had to wait a whole twenty four hours before he could sit up straight ... I ran very low on bear filler yesterday but fortunately my supplier is great at getting deliveries to me really fast, so today 'Serious Stanley' was stuffed and could finally sit up, rather than slump in an undignified heap on my work table. He's a big 'un at 23" and made in my traditional style simply because that's what was calling to me this week. I like to follow my own instincts with new designs, rather than follow whatever the current trends are and this week, 'completely classic' just kept whispering to me.

'Serious Stanley' is made from truly beautiful mohair. It's a Schulte fabric and is incredibly soft and silky to the touch. There's no doubt about it, that factory really knows how to produce fabulous fabrics, perfect for classy designer bears. 'Rustic wheat' captures the colour perfectly, and to complement it, I've used velvet for Stanley's paw pads and inner ears. It's been a good many years since I last used cotton velvet, seduced as I was for so long by Ultra Suede, but for my range of 'Timeless Teds' it makes perfect sense to return to it - I just love the nostalgic flavour it offers my classic teddies.

So what's next on my bear making horizon? Right now I have several bears dancing around in my head crying out to be made. I'm dying to get back to my laughing bears, after all, I've had quite a long break from them and I have an absolutely stunning piece of silver leopard faux fur which would make the perfect laughing bear ... then there's a pink and white panda begging to be made and after that .... well, maybe you'll have to wait and see!
One thing's for sure, the bears still keep begging to be created!
One thing's for sure, the bears still keep begging to be created!
Paula Seriously Stanley is seriously wonderful!! I love seeing your creations come to life!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by to meet Stanley Laura ... it's always lovely to hear from you and I'm really pleased you enjoy watching the bears come to life!