Yippee! Bear Artists Online has announced another new show for the 2007 calendar!

The 'Bear Artists Online Winter Warmer Show' will take place on 3rd November, so please pop the date in your diary ...
Hey, if I listen carefully, I'm sure I can hear sleighbells already!
So, what have I been up to lately?
Well, do you remember I mentioned my clown challenge in an earlier post? I'm pleased to say I've finally finished my first entry! He was created from oddments and somehow they came together to make a really cute bear! I did wonder while I was working if I was being overly ambitious with the colour scheme, but everything worked out beautifully in the end.
I'm afraid 'Jimjams' was snapped up really quickly, but I'd like to share him with you anyway ... I really enjoyed making him. Mind you, I had such a fiddle making a hat to fit! I may be a bear maker and able to knit, but I will freely confess, I am definitely challenged when it comes to my dress making skills!