As you may already know, during the past decade I have battled my way through the vagaries of learning to maintain and develop my website, participate on selected internet forums, sell my work at online auction, create this very blog (which has to be my favourite modern 'must have'!) share photographs on, run online teddy bear webshows, join the Facebook network, build 'The Top 100 Best Bear Artist Blogs' and 'The Guild of Master Bearcrafters' and now, she who has never created a video in her life before, has decided to test out 'You Tube' for no other sensible reason, than plain old curiosity ... I know, there's not much hope for me is there?!
My first You Tube video slideshow created 31st December 2009
After a very frustrating morning which began in total ignorance and ended here with you in time for lunch, this is my very first video 'You Tube' slideshow featuring many of my bears past and present - a fitting end to this bear maker's decade of work and maybe even a fresh skill to offer 2010!
So, here's to a forthcoming year full of new challenges, creative thought and much happinness for us all. Thank you so much for sharing my thoughts throughout 2009 ... I look forward to seeing you again in 2010!