After many years, my sister Tina and her partner Ian recently took a daunting plunge, sold their home and moved to Portchester in Hampshire.

Tina and Ian
Not wanting to miss out on the excitement, Stuart and I arranged a family visit with my sister Fiona and her other half Simon, to black our noses. Once we'd had the official house tour, chatted about planned improvements to turn 'The Shrubberies' into a fabulously large, comfortable home for Tina, Ian and the girls, we basked contentedly in the afternoon sunshine, scoffing delicious sausages from a local butcher ... all in all, a very tasty, sociable way to pass our Saturday afternoon!

Oi you rabble, stop talking and line up for a photo!

The Solent
My sisters and I have fond memories of growing up near the Solent and the smell of sea salted air never fails to transport us back to childhood trips spent collecting shells on the beach and hours spent rock pooling with our Dad. We were thrilled to discover Tina now lives within easy walking distance of the sea front at Solent and magnificent Portchester Castle is only a short stroll from her new house, so after lunch, we decided to breathe in a little more of that wonderfully salty sea air and make the most of the gorgeous Spring sunshine ...

Big cheese from the six of us!

Inside the castle grounds

A quick photo call for me 'n him.
And one for Fo and Simon ...

The Castle Keep (and Tina marching by!)

Have you ever noticed how there's always one?!

View from the castle grounds to the Solent

The Famous Five look out to sea!

Three sisters
I thoroughly enjoyed my first visit to Portchester with Stuart, Fo and Simon. Tina, I'm wishing you, Ian and my nieces many years of happinness in your lovely new home and thank you so much for your hospitality this weekend, it was fun and yes, we should all make time to do it more often!
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