Christmas with my family came and went in what now seems the bat of an eye. I loved spending those precious few festive days with my family, but now the time has come for life to roll forward towards a New Year. Before I let Christmas 2010 slip away though, I'd like to take this opportunity to preserve a few happy memories here...

Christmas Eve ...

My son, Christmas Morn!

Daisy's first Christmas

Cheers! Our Christmas Day lunch

Boxing Day walk in Mote Park ...
Fay modelling her Christmas woollies
Hungry birds on a frozen lake!

Mote Park, beautiful in the wintery sunshine

Me and Stuart walking off our Christmas pud!

Fay and Stuart chuckling ...

Sunset over the frozen lake
There are only a few days until the clocks strike midnight to welcome in 2011. Like many of you, I will say goodbye to 2010 with my heart full of both happy and sad memories - but let's not dwell on the past, let's wave it goodbye and step boldly forward into the new year ... after all, our future awaits us.