Prim Dolly Doodle Hocus Pocus!
When I was a little girl I always had my nose in a book. I remember being particularly enchanted by a school library book all about All Hallowes Eve and the Halloween witches ... well which fanciful little girl wouldn't be eh?! Whilst I'm not keen on the whole 'trick or treat' aspect of Halloween, I confess I do love a fairytale and find witches quite betwitching, so with only a month of weekend dollying time available to me until Halloween arrives and doll forum challenges aplenty, I thought I'd treat myself to a hocus pocus Prim Dolly Doodle witchypoo project! Here's what my cauldron has cooked up to so far ...

A witch's brew of tea stained dolly parts drying on the washing line ...
what must my neighbour's think?!

Pointy witchy stockings ...
Witchypoo boots drying in a pot ...

Headless and limbless bodies waiting patiently on my sewing machine!
I can almost hear the cackling in my workroom already!
Can't wait to see them finished!
Thanks Monica!