I don't know why, but shows always leave me feeling the need to down my bear-maker's tools for at least a week after the big day. Perhaps it's some kind of 'bearing burnout' syndrome? I can't remember a single show in all the years I've been exhibiting, which hasn't left me feeling this way. It's certainly not due to a lack of design inspiration, because I always come home bursting with enthusiasm for my craft, I just don't come home with the energy to do anything about it!

In fact, it's hard not to be inspired when you are surrounded by such an incredible array of talent on show days. After a show I usually return to my workroom determined to 'up my game', not that I'm particularly competitive (that gene seems to have passed me by!) but simply because it is impossible to rest on one's laurels whilst such creativity abounds. Believe me, collectors have never had it so good both in the UK and overseas! I think the quality of workmanship has risen dramatically in recent years and nowadays, bear artists are also well aware of the need to realise an individual identity in their work if they hope to attract the eye of the discerning collector. Our humble teddy bear has much to achieve to guarantee 'Top Bear Status' throughout 2008 and beyond!

After tidying away my stand after the TBAE in Stratford, I have spent the past week and a half working on the computer, organising accounts, promotional materials, supplies, freshening my website and so on, until the day before yesterday, when I finally felt sufficiently organised and recharged to return to my workroom. I thought I would ease myself back into my post-show bear-making with a gentle project, a pretty 16" girl bear created in a lovely piece of baby pink alpaca, with soft brown tips. I hadn't intended to purchase fabric at the Stratford show, but this piece was too gorgeous to leave behind and it made me think of a delicious strawberry sundae, drizzled with chocolate ... oooh, way too indulgent for this teddy bear maker to pass by!
I'm pleased to be able to tell you that after being uploaded to my website yesterday, 'Molly' found a lovely new owner within the hour and will be staying quite local to me, as her new Mum lives just across town!
I'm pleased to be able to tell you that after being uploaded to my website yesterday, 'Molly' found a lovely new owner within the hour and will be staying quite local to me, as her new Mum lives just across town!
Molly is precious Paula xx
ReplyDeleteI totally agree! Strawberries and chocolate, yum! So pretty!
ReplyDeleteI've only done a couple of shows in the past and have felt just the same!
Hugs, Sarah x
Glad to hear it's not just me Sarah ... I was starting to think it must be my age!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind comments about Molly ... that alpaca sure is pretty!