The show was great! Such fun ... my foot didn't stop tapping the whole time. Trumpets, trombones, the ohsosexy sounding sax, Jools on piano, Ruby belting it out, superb musicians, superb boogie-woogie. What a joy! Needless to say, we got lost both on the way to Croydon and on the way back home, making a very late night for this ol' lady, and would you believe the car park barrier broke down after the show so no cars could exit?! Such is my life!

It's a beautiful day here today, sunny and warm. This afternoon, I'm going to sit at my patio table in the garden while I sew. I've been enjoying my new garden since moving here several months ago and even though the fence is in desperate need of attention around the boundary, I'm determined to wait until the Autumn to replace it so that I can continue to watch the plants blooming throughout the summer. It seems as if there is a new plant to discover almost daily! The previous owners were obviously green fingered and it was their pretty garden which ultimately sold the place to me. It's such a peaceful place to spend time and these days I have the sound of birdsong to listen to, rather than the wailing sirens I used to hear at my old house!
I've even planted a small herb collection and am using the fresh herbs in my cooking! How domesticated is that?!
After twenty three years in my last house, I thought the move here would be tough, but oddly enough, it was only the leaving that was hard, the new start is proving to be just what I needed and I'm pleased to report, I'm settling in just fine and as you can see from the pic below, so is Toffee, my cat!

Oh, Paula, I envy you the sunshine..we are still having some cold nights...and right now..very dreary days. Can hardly wait for the sunny days of real summer. My perennials are blooming, of course, but I have lots of pots of tiny "bedding out" plants as some folks here call them... (I just call them little plants)..lol...waiting; being put out each day..taken in at night due to threat of frost. Toffee is totally settled in.. a good sign when a cat does that!
ReplyDeleteHi Paula, your garden looks beautiful and so does the weather in your part of England......Happy Bear Making!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures of my garden. Vee, good luck with the weather for your bedding plants (we call them that here too!)I bet your garden will be glorious when they are in full bloom! It's been another sun filled day here in Kent, the only problem is it's just not conducive to bear-making!
ReplyDeleteHi Paula,
ReplyDeleteI am putting this post here, still finding my way amongst all the blogs !!!!
I gather you have moved and seem to be gardening now ????? no bears???
Well I was just checking to make sure you in the land of living as I have not seen you in TT, or maybe you are there, and I have not spotted you.
We had a nasty snap of sudden cold weather , and this took half my garden out. Last week, I got into the garden, pruned the roses, and got lots of sweet peas planted.
Sweet peas , next to roses are one of my favorite flowers.
Enjoy your new home and garden,
Lynette from what should be a sunny South Africa.
humf Paula,trying to get this post posted, so maybe you will get 3 versions.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what you were up to and if you are OK, as I had not seen you around in TT, unless its me not looking.
Your garden and new home look great !!!
Lynette the Fredbear