When we moved my workroom into my son's old bedroom after he flew the nest earlier this year, we were left with one empty bedroom and a six year old keen to 'sleepover' at Grandad's house ... cue Stuart's paintbrush!

Our new 'Grandson friendly' guestroom!
This weekend was the young man's first official houseguest visit and I am happy to report, there were absolutely no collywobbles, in fact he settled in perfectly and we all had a lovely time.

Gardening with Grandad
I must admit, now that my own children are grown-up and independent, I absolutely loved having our home noisy and full of bouncy, busy, buzzy-ness again. Come again soon young 'un!
Paula I read your post with joy - we also have our 2 granddaughters visit every Sunday - happy, noisy, messy, toys everywhere day!!! I love it, but also must admit I do love the peace and quiet after they go home too - ssshhhh, don't tell anyone!!!!