I love England in the Spring, so when I realised there were no Spring bulbs planted in our new garden, I knew we would have to remedy the problem!

Stuart and I spent several hours digging and planting Spring bulbs in our little garden last Autumn and now we have a beautiful display of sunny yellow, lemon and white daffodils and lipstick red tulips waving cheerfully in the breeze, thanking us for our labours!

While we were clomping around in the mud, we also took the plunge and re-planted the camelia my Dad gave me years ago. I was a little nervous about moving my precious camelia from its pot, but it seems to have settled comfortably into its new position in the flower bed and this year, is rewarding us with the most gorgeous display of pretty pink blooms.
Those of you who read regularly may remember the little Victoria plum tree I gave Stuart for his birthday last year ... well I am happy to tell, not only did it provide us with a few delicious plums last summer, it survived our harsh winter and is now bursting with dainty white blossom, so hopefully there will be many more juicy, sweet plums to eat this summer!

I love our little garden and am delighted that after three years it is finally beginning to feel like our own, rather than the previous owner's.
There's plenty more for us to enjoy in the garden in the coming months - in fact I can already see the roses I planted last year leafing, Stuart's potatoes poking through the soil, our little blueberry bushes budding and my herb pot bursting with mint and chives. We'll pot a couple of tomato plants to grow on the patio soon and perhaps some strawberries too ... mmn, Summer's coming ... I feel it in my bones!
you have a beautiful garden, knowing me all the flowers would be dead by now!