I'm feeling very satisfied with myself this week, not only do I have a new bear to share with you, I have a new Prim Dolly Doodle too. Yes, I am happy to say I have been in full productive mode!

I couldn't wait to start work on this bear, his mohair is simply stunning! It's a luxury Schulte curl with a pretty tip to the ends, dense, silky and absolutely beautiful ... a big bear maker's dream! The mohair makes such a statement and suits this classic teddy bear perfectly. 'Dewey' was reserved for a collector shortly after making his debut on my website, so if everything goes to plan, he should soon be travelling to meet his new mum early next week.

20" Liberty Lou is available to purchase
Update: Liberty Lou has sold!
This dolly was sat in my work basket for several weeks waiting patiently for me to make time to finish her, so I was determined I would complete her last week. 'Liberty Lou' has a lovely American themed frock and I found a cute straw hat to finish her outfit. The tiny red, blue and white button on front of her hat mysteriously arrived in the post a few days ago ... after scratching my head for a while, I discovered my sister Tina had been visiting an antiques fair and sent me some buttons in the post!
Thank you Tina x
Your bears are just wonderful!!! I'm a collector and you can never have too many hugs!! I'm going to go and add myself to your followers...I posted my teddy bear room a few days ago on my blog, when you get a chance, come have a peek! hugs, Jennifer