Take today for example, without doubt I'll work on instinct, go with the flow, follow my heart. Does that mean I'll have a satisfyingly creative, organised day meeting scheduled targets? Who knows? If the sun shines then yes, if it clouds and greys, it may be doubtful. I believe the sun's energy is very positive, so I've sited my workspaces accordingly, to ensure I'm drawn to areas of bright daylight to work. Daft eh?
I'm going to paint my sewing room soon. It's chilly hospital blue and I'd like energising warmth, so I've splashed a couple of yellow splodges on the wall to see which one inspires me. I don't think I've found the exact shade to work for me yet, so I will be adding further sunshine splats to my wall in the next day or two!
I'm dreaming of a cheerful, orderly workroom, but as you can see, it's far from that at the moment. It's only been seven and a half weeks since I took the plunge and moved into this house, so I guess there's still plenty of time ahead for dreams to be fulfilled ...
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