Wednesday, 21 July 2010


I should be stuffing this chap's brother bear today, so this post will be brief! 

Introducing 'Casabian', a chunky 23" bear destined for a super new teddy bear shop called 'A Bear Place,' which has recently opened in Singapore.

23" 'Casabian' will be flying out to Singapore tomorrow!

What with bear orders, the Guild of Master Bearcrafters, my blog, website updates and so on, my days seem to fly past way too quickly at the moment and  I have two more shop orders to fulfill before I can start work on my next collection of show bears.  'Teddies 2010' takes place in London on the 12th September and although it sounds as though there's still plenty of time to prepare, I know from past experience the weeks will disappear in a flash and before I know it, I will be in full panic mode, yet again!


  1. So glad to hear Singapore liked Casabian (as if they wouldn't!) Good luck getting all your orders done

  2. Thanks Katy! Lovely to hear from you x


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