Thursday, 22 July 2010

Casper, a brother for Casabian!

This is 'Casper', brother bear to 'Casabian', (the bear I mentioned I was finishing in yesterday's post) ... he will be hopping on a plane and following 'Casabian' to Singapore shortly. 

After stuffing two such large bears one after the other, I can honestly say I am looking forward to working on some slightly smaller designs.  I used to make much bigger bears in years gone by, some even as large as 32", but these days 23" is about all I want to handle!

23" 'Casper' will soon be heading to Singapore!

I have another shop order to fill next week, this time for a UK shop in Stoke-on-Trent.  I'm really looking forward to making these bears ... I get to make a panda (which I haven't done for a while!) a pretty pink careworn girl bear and two careworn boy bears - should be fun!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.