Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Normal service will soon be resumed ...

For anyone wondering why 'Bearing All' isn't full of post show news yet, I thought I ought to pop in briefly to explain that instead of being sat at my usual desk, I'm balancing my laptop on my knees in a caravan in Chichester, on the South Coast of England. We did the show on Sunday, threw some essentials in a bag and then took off in the car the very next morning for a few Autumnal days with Stuart's grandson; so I've not had time to draw breath since Sunday, let alone type a post for you - sorry about that! I promise I will fill you in with all the show details and some pics in a few days' time, but in the meantime, I'm sitting here quietly catching my breath with a mug of strong coffee (and a chocolate chip cookie!) after a day in the fresh air, while thankfully, 'Monsters Inc' keeps the young man occupied on the DVD player for an hour or so before tea - boy have I underestimated how energetic three year old lads can be! We'll be out and about walking along the seashore tomorrow in an attempt to both entertain and wear the little 'un out before bedtime - there's a lot to be said for 'fresh air tired!

Enjoying the September sea air

For those of you bursting to find out which of the show bears are now available, I can tell you all the big 'uns found lovely new owners, but Archibald, Peony and Delphinium are currently available to purchase via the All Bear website ... I will update the website properly when I return home next weekend.

Fun and games

Well, that's about it from cloudy Chichester today! Thanks to my daughter kindly loaning me her magical mobile internet gizmo while she keeps the home fires burning (don't forget to put the bins out Fay!) I have been able to tap out this post on my laptop ... don't worry, normal service will be resumed shortly!


  1. Congratulations on your show Paula! Hope you have a wonderful week! Looking forward to reading more "Bearing All" when you return :) Hugz, Laura Lynn

  2. Have a wonderful holiday away, Paula.

    We saw your beautiful bears at Hugglets... thank you to Jane.


  3. Thanks for popping in again ladies, always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the pics I'm going to post next week ... it was such a beautiful spot on the South Coast!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.