Saturday, 13 September 2008

Just one more!

'Fratellini' will make his debut at the Teddies 2008 show in London tomorrow!

You know how it is, the week is running out fast but the temptation to squeeze in 'just one more' bear is too much to ignore! This is my 'just one more' show bear for Sunday (tomorrow - eeks!) and I'm so pleased with how he has come together, he's a really striking bear and should stand out beautifully on my table. My next job this morning is to write out all the bears' hangtags (and of course price tags!) and attach them to the bears, so I'm afraid I can't stop long, but I had to pop in for long enough to share 'Fratellini with you, before I disappear in a puff of pre-show, organisational chaos!

20" Fratellini

Look forward to seeing you at the show tomorrow!


  1. good luck with the big show Paula...

    Fratellini looks like a pretty special guy...

  2. Thanks Vee! Good to hear you like Fratellini!


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