Monday, 16 June 2008

Postcards from home

I love receiving postcards, don't you? This gorgeous postcard arrived on my doormat a few days ago, sent from 'Victor's' new owner to let me know he (actually now 'she', but that's a whole other story!) is settling in well to his new surroundings and is currently enjoying a very privileged, comfortable life in his new owner's living room!

Recent postcard sent to me from collector.
What a handsome 1930's Steiff teddy bear!

So many collectors over the years have been kind enough to send me postcards, letters, emails and pretty notelets to let me know how much they enjoy their new bears, so I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone; I really do appreciate these thoughtful gestures and they always make me smile!


  1. Hi Paula, what a wonderful Post Card. I often forward Christmas display photos to various teddy bear moms. They do enjoy seeing their teddies in their new hugs.

    Love your blog! Hope you are having a good summer.

    Karen at Ciderantiques

  2. Hi Karen, lovely to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed the postcard pic and the blog. I bet your teddy bear moms are delighted to receive those special photos!


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.