Thursday, 12 June 2008

Collect it!

After an entire day spent catching up with outstanding tasks on the computer, I'm afraid this entry will be brief. I've been sat on my swivel chair for so long, my bum is now very numb! One of the numerous jobs I needed to tackle today, was the creation of a little advertisement for the August Issue of 'Collect It' magazine (on sale July 10th) and this is the result of my fiddlings in Photoshop ...

(In view of the fact that he was created especially for 'Teddy Bear Scene' magazine before the rug was pulled from under it, it seemed entirely appropriate to use 'Victor' for my first advertisement with 'Collect It' magazine!)

When the final issue of 'Teddy Bear Scene' plonked dejectedly onto my doormat yesterday morning, I came to the conclusion I would have to reconsider my future advertising options, limited though my budget may be! 'Collect It' magazine covers all aspects of collecting, with a small section dedicated to teddy bears written by none other than Kathy Martin (ex-Editor of TBS) herself! A quick call from the magazine confirmed they would indeed be covering 'Teddies 2008' - (my next major Hugglets show which takes place in September) so I have decided to give them a whirl. In fact, I actually quite like the prospect of putting my advertisement under fresh noses, noses yet to realise they belong to potential
bear collectors!

If you are curious to find out more about 'Collect It' magazine, you can visit their website by clicking this link:


  1. Hi Paula,

    I love Victor ~ he is so regal looking.
    Your advertisment looks great for Collect It magazine.

    Much luck with this.


  2. Hi Carolyn, thanks for popping in! I'm glad you like my 'Victor' ad ... fingers crossed for its inaugural publication!!!!


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