Thursday, 11 October 2007

.. out came the sunshine.

... out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain; thank goodness!

It's a beautiful morning here today, the dew is still thick on the grass and the sun is reaching across the lawn. So much better than yesterday's gloom. I feel livelier already!

I spent yesterday sorting out my workroom after having the new carpet fitted. Now it's finished at last and is fresh, comfortable and organised, just the way I wanted it to be.

I don't suppose it will stay tidy for much longer because I have plenty to work on this week, so I've taken this snap before I get creative.

When I pointed my camera through the doorway I completely overlooked the fact that my secret Winter Warmer show bears were sitting on the shelves, so I've had to rub them out of the picture I'm afraid ... no you can't peek yet!

Here's a little clue to the next Winter Warmer bear ... this is my project for today. No more clues yet though, you'll have to use your imagination!

Finally, I thought I'd share this picture with you. It's one of my absolute favourites. It sits on the window sill of my workroom and I look at it often while I work. This is one picture that never fails to make me smile. It was taken about seventeen years ago on a very gusty day and shows me with my son and daughter perched on a little wall in front of Brighton Pier ... oh such happy days!


  1. Love the pic... u look so cool and collected and smiling...but now that u said u were leaning into a gale it is kind of funny and a lovely photo!

    So.... hmmm... a lovely mint and black panda.... chocominty.... yum.

    I wondered what those bright, shiny white pic frames were in the photo as that is what I thought they were at first.

    looking forward to seeing all the bears for the "Warmer" I must get busy and get in on one of those shows someday. sigh...I am so lazy.....

  2. Glad you enjoyed my special pic Vee, as you say it is kind of funny!

    You are on the right track with the secret bear ... watch this space!

    The shows are a great way to get yourself motivated by the way, go on, give it a go!! I dare ya!!


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