Friday, 12 October 2007

New horizons

It's strange isn't it, how the things you take for granted and think will never change, inevitably do. 'Teddy Bear Scene' magazine thumped onto my doormat this morning and what did I read inside those welcome pages? News that stopped me in my tracks, that's what.

My first memories of the UK bear world are of wonderful bears, created by the talented bear artists of the early 90's. I was in awe of and inspired by these makers ... people like Sandra Wickenden, Janet Clark, Gregory Gyllenship and of course, dear Frank Webster. So the news today, that Janet is to hang up her bear making mantle in favour of fresh artistic challenges for the foreseeable future, came as a surprise, to say the least.

Janet has been inspirational in the UK and far beyond for many years, with both her bears and her fabulous dolls. I for one, don't mind admitting I will miss her unique brand of inspirational eye candy at future specialist bear shows.

And talking of fresh challenges, on a much less inspiring note, this has been mine today! In response to a forum challenge I decided to venture into my first attempt at a digital postcard. Believe me, this was a far greater challenge than it might appear! If nothing else, the process has intrigued me and now I am determined to learn more about the mysteries of 'Photoshop' editing software. Anyway, this is the result of my 'Winter Wonderland' digital challenge ... I know, 'don't give up the day job' eh?!


  1. Paula I love your postcard!

    And oh my gosh!!!! I can't believe Janet is getting out of the bear world! Drat - I never was able to get one of hers - oh well :(

  2. Thank you Laura Lynn! It was fun to do something different for a morning .. quite absorbing in fact! As you say, it is a shame that Janet is moving on to new pastures and I know she will be missed throughout the bear world, but I can certainly understand the need to progress into exciting new artistic areas, I've been feeling that urge myself for some time. Not to move away from my bear-making, but to learn new skills to complement it.

  3. Your Photoshop work is outstanding, Paula! It gets easier with practice, and time. I find that whenever I have a few spare minutes for Barnes & Noble (replace B&N with whatever your equivalent UK big bookseller might be,) it's helpful to grab a book or magazine on Photoshop and devour as much of it as possible while sipping away at a mocha. That's just the right amount of information to digest at any one sitting, and you don't get too flooded. Keep it up, because you clearly have talent!!!

  4. Shel, you really are too kind! I like the plan though ... sip sized nuggets of info! Perfect for my pea-sized brain! LOL!! I enjoyed the project, so won't be able to resist another play I'm sure ... and now you've got me thinking about books and tutorials! So much to do, so little time!!!


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