Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Artistic Inclinations

I hit a bit of a lull in enthusiasm for my 'learning to draw' project over the past few months, so put down my pencils for a while, but now I'm feeling the creative urge again, so it's time to have another dabble, before my fragile inclination crumples forever ...

I would like to learn how to draw realistic animals, but for me, they just don't happen and instead, I am more likely to find a fun teddy bear making an appearance at the tip of my pencil. Ho hum.

With the old adage 'draw what you know' (or should that be 'write what you know?!) dancing in my head, I thought I'd restart my artistic endeavour with a picture of Polly and it looked reasonably promising to being with, but eventually I became frustrated by my clumsy attempts to reproduce her fabulous wavy fur.  Back to the drawing board Paula ...

At least this week's free hand pencil portrait of my daughter can be said to bear a slight degree of resemblance and is an improvement on a previous attempt from a couple of years ago - but my goodness, I struggle with noses and angles! That said, I can see I am starting to get the hang of hair, so yes, I guess that can be called progress?! Hopefully, one day, I will have learned enough to do my beautiful girl a little more artistic justice. 

So, I suppose the moral of my sporadic drawing story has to be don't give up ... and in particular, don't be so self-critical, that along with any rogue pencil marks, you also erase the joy of learning! 

I know, it's easier said than done eh?!


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