Sunday, 25 February 2018

Keeping it in the family

It just so happens I am not the only one in my family to have an arty crafty leaning and this weekend, the arty crafty gene brought three of us together, along with my niece, to give us a lovely opportunity to share an afternoon of inky, painty, messy play around my dining room table. My sister Lynda packed up a small shop's worth of art materials from her extensive stash and drove all the way from Hampshire to my house in Kent, to share her hard earned creative wisdom with my youngest sister Laura, my niece Erin and I. My sister Fiona and her husband also popped in for a cuppa and a catch-up. I have four sisters and as we live far and wide across the South of England, we don't get to see each other often, so having four of us together in one house at the same time was a special occasion and definitely worthy of a quick snap for posterity!
Lyn has a wealth of knowledge about how different art materials work together and she makes fabulous craft items - in fact, she has even recently had her work featured on the telly! Laura, Erin and I were very excited to have an opportunity to receive some sisterly art tuition from our very own expert.
It was lovely to share sister time together. After growing up as the eldest sister of five sisters, through all the rough 'n tumble of a large and lively family, I must admit I have missed sister time as we've grown older and our lives have taken us in varying directions. Yesterday was proof though, that no matter how old we get, or how far apart life takes us, given half a chance, we all still love to play together!

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