Thursday, 1 June 2017

Ten years on

On the 26th March 2007, I wrote my first blog post ...

Are you sitting comfortably?

"Then I'll begin ... although, to be honest, I'm not quite sure where to start! So, how would you feel if I just let my fingers do the walking and we'll see where they take us?

Do you like the teddy bear? That's a relief! She's my latest creation. Yes, I'm a teddy bear designer, does that surprise you? If you recognised the quote by AA Milne, probably not. My guess is there may be an elderly bear sitting quietly on your pillow, or a little more discreetly at the foot of your bed. You've had him for years and years, he's a wee bit threadbare these days, maybe missing an ear, or an eye, but there's something about him, something very special ..."

Back then I had no idea I would still be writing here ten years later. In fact I didn't begin my blog with a plan at all - I had a loose idea I wanted to share my bears through my writing, but beyond that, I simply followed my heart and allowed my fingers to do the talking.  

Besides making teddy bears, so much has happened during my ten years here as a 'blogger' and my quiet corner of the World Wide Web has generously provided unending blank 'pages' for me to share my thoughts. This blog has witnessed happiness and heartbreak, success and occasionally failure. It has flowed along my life's tributaries, gently carrying me through some of the most challenging times in my life and I have both laughed and cried as the words left my fingertips.

My blog has been and always will be, written from the heart about the things that matter to me both as a teddy bear designer, but also just as me.  Ten years on and I still have no clear idea of where my blog is heading, but I've no doubt my fingers will continue to do the walking!


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