Thursday, 25 May 2017

Fairy flowers

The bluebells have been absolutely beautiful here in the UK this Spring, so when I found a pretty blue mohair, of course I had to make a 'Bluebell' teddy for 2017!

15" 'Bluebell'

I have loved walks with my grandson and dogs through our little patch of woodland along the lane this Spring and pray the local developers are refused permission to plough a road through the heart of this much loved ancient woodland.

Every Spring our patch of woods is carpeted with these gentle fairy flowers and the air filled with their soft perfume. I love these peaceful bluebell walks, they really are quite magical!


Update: Bluebell has now been adopted.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't lose that beautiful woodland - even more beautiful when the bluebells are out. And Bluebell bear really does justice to the natural wonder of the flowers x


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