Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Sketchy Teds

I didn't set a new year's resolution this year, but one thing I would like to continue into 2017,  is teaching myself how to draw. Who knows, maybe I'll even teach myself how to paint a little as well!

After a lifetime of  feeling like a clumsy 'leftie' with a pencil, I never had confidence in artistic endeavours either as a child or as an adult, so last year, decided it was time to push a few creative boundaries. I started to create an art journal in my spare time and gradually my silly sketches began to improve and on the odd occasion, I quite surprised even myself with the results!

I suppose it was inevitable a few teddy bears would creep into my art journal and I dare say more will arrive in time as they are fun to draw.  In fact, I may even find sufficient artistic courage to sketch a little teddy to print onto my next batch of 'All Bear' hang tags and never, ever, did I ever think that day would be a possibility!



  1. You are really "coming along" Paula, well done. Don't forget us lefties are reputed to be artistic

  2. Thanks Lindsey, you are very kind! :)


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