Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Happy Birthday Mum

It's my Mum's birthday today. 
Happy Birthday Mum!

 Several of we five daughters, a variety of partners, a selection of her ten grandchildren and both her gorgeous great grandchildren, gathered at her house to celebrate Mum's seventy fourth year last weekend ... cake, candles, you know the routine ... just like Mum, it never grows old!

Oh and the reason we celebrated at the weekend, rather than today? Well, Mum works tirelessly in her role as volunteer hospital driver and wanted to shift her birthday gathering forward a few days, so that she could still ferry the elderly to and from appointments today.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday doing what you enjoy Mum,
With much love,
Paula xxx

1 comment:

  1. Many happy years ahead for your mum. It looks like she had a grand time at her celebration.


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