Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Crafting a teddy bear ..

I often snap work in progress pics on my mobile phone and recently, after making my traditional 18" teddy bear Elliot, it dawned on me that the photographs might be put to better use if I could make a short video with them.  It took me a little while to figure out how to use 'You Tube', but eventually I arrived at a very simple and I hope charming video, of how I make a traditional teddy bear.  For anyone interested in traditional techniques, I think those I have used are pretty much standard in terms of traditional bear making.  This video could perhaps benefit from being a bit more detailed (a project for another day?!) but even so, does gives a genuine insight into how I bring my own hand crafted teddy bears to life ...

I would love to know if you enjoyed this bear making presentation ... has it inspired you to try your hand at making a teddy bear perhaps?  Please let me know by leaving a comment, thank you!



  1. Really enjoyed watching the traditional way of creating a teddy-especially my Elliot. As for making my own I think I will leave that to yourself,the expert! Best wishes Maureen.

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  3. Very nice! I would love a more in-depth video on specific techniques . I would love to see how you put in eyes. I've read your tips but would love it see a video!

    Colleen :)

  4. Glad you enjoyed this little video! Funnily enough, I was chatting to my daughter yesterday about the possibilities for making more 'tutorial' style videos, so hopefully that is something I will be able to find time for this year :-)


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