Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Twig's Posh Paws

I saved hard to buy my first leather sofa so when, after many years of good service, the time finally came to accept it had served my family well but was no longer comfortable, I decided to recycle the areas of leather which hadn't been worn and put them to good use as teddy bear paws.

As you can see, that rich conker colour is perfect for my latest Autumn bear!

I used my pointiest needles to stitch in those leather paws and despite the extra effort required to sew them, am delighted with how well they suit my new bear 'Twig'.  Once I'd assembled him, I decided he would suit a waxed nose ... a technique requiring nerves of steel and a very steady hand, but I hope you will agree, the lovely soft shine is well worth the effort.

20" Twig

And here he is, complete with posh leather paws!

If you think Twig would make a wonderful addition to your collection of teddy bears, I am happy to tell you this fine fellow is now available to purchase direct from my website ...

1 comment:

  1. I love Twig and the touch of the leather couch paw pads. What a great idea!


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