Thursday, 11 September 2014

A Tiddler of a show update!

This may well qualify as my smallest show update ever, but nonetheless, it IS a show update!

8" 'Thimbleberry' will be coming to the Hugglets show

There were moments when I questioned if I would actually succeed in making enough bears to display on my stand at this year's 'Teddies 2014' show (on Sunday 9th September) but by some miracle, have managed to create a select group of Autumn flavoured bears just in the nick of time to show visitors on Sunday - phew!

My Autumn collection of show bears ranges in size from 8" to 19".  This group of bears is sized smaller than usual, so hopefully, those of you who are space compromised and in need of more compact teddy bears, will be able to find a lovely new teddy to fit your needs.

If you would like to know more about the 'Teddies 2014' show, please visit the Hugglets website:

I am looking forward to saying hello in person!

1 comment:

I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.