Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Here, there and everywhere ..

I am making a concerted effort to catch up with some bear-making this week because not only do I have a shop order to complete for 'The Bear Shop' in Norwich, I also have a fun online Summer show looming large on my calendar.

Hopefully I will soon have a new bear to add to my website too ...

Between my bear-making and baby knitting for my new grandchild due in October, not to mention researching how to patchwork quilt, I'm feeling as though I have unfinished projects here, there and everywhere at the moment! 

I really need to bring something to completion as soon as possible, so must get back to work and tackle that pile of teddy bear pieces first!

1 comment:

  1. last summer I was waiting for the appearance of the second daughter and I, too, all the time it seemed that everywhere I have unfinished business))) I wish health! bears and small children do not get along)))


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