Thursday, 19 December 2013

Deck the tree with ..

The countdown has started and as we all know, this is the one deadline no-one can afford to miss.  Whether we are ready or not, Christmas is only six  short days away ...  

As my children are now adult, it's been a while since the bright-eyed excitement of Christmas truly gripped me but I'm happy to admit, it is always lovely to have a real fir tree, bedecked in fully cluttered finery, parked in a cosy corner of our lounge.  This year my daughter undertook decorating honours, introducing her unique 'Fay' flair with the addition of several multi-coloured glass robots ...

I guess it doesn't hurt to embrace a hint of modernity in our traditional celebrations!

And I concede, the robots do look cheerful hanging cheekily from the branches!  Mind you, there is a somewhat irreconcilable conflict with my oh-so traditional angel perched a-top the tree, which will no doubt please my son hugely when he visits as he dislikes this tree topper with a vengeance and usually hides her at the first available opportunity.

The Christmas spirit even touched rather unexpectedly on Stuart's boss this year ... he's probably the last person I would expect to send me a gorgeous festive floral token, but it just goes to show there is often more to Christmas than meets the eye ..

My two youngest sisters with Dad on tree decorating day, back in the mid 1970's.

When me and my four sisters were kids, Christmas was a big deal in our house and dressing the tree with Dad heralded the start of our family festivities.  Dad would always bring home a huge real fir and once he'd dressed it with fairy lights, me, Fiona, Tina, Lynda and Laura, would go to town adorning it with the gorgeous concave glittery glass baubles our parents had collected from Woolies over the years (these days similar baubles are sadly relegated to second-hand listings on Ebay!) and of course as much tinsel and 'lametta' as those feathery branches could hold, the more garish the better!

It hadn't dawned on me that my heavily bedecked Christmas tree is to this day, a reflection of our childhood tree, but having found the photo of Dad decorating the tree with my two youngest sisters back in the mid 1970's, I don't think there can be much doubt about it ... give or take the odd robot or two.

Incidentally, I think my Dad would have approved of his granddaughter's festive robots, don't you?!

Wishing my 'Bearing All' readers a warm and peaceful Christmas, full of happy memories.  

Merry Christmas everyone xxx

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