Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Knit one, sneeze one ...

Despite the beautiful sunshine outdoors, today I've been zapped by a sore throat and cold, so I'm curled in my armchair with my knitting needles, molly coddlin' myself.

Hopefully I'll have the back of this frock knitted by tea-time and will then be able to set this little girl bear aside while I work on a few of her friends and complete the 'Teddy Bear Hollow' shop order I promised a while ago. Despite my tardiness with orders this year, lovely Julie the shop owner is still eager to have my bears in her shop and has been kind enough to wait with all the patience of a saint, for my bears to arrive at her store.  

Thank you so much Julie!


  1. Wish the sun shine on you and your bear. Get well soon.

  2. Paula, take it easy and get well soon. By the way the dress looks lovely.

  3. Oh poor you! Get better real soon:o)
    Very nice looking dress, nice colour too! If you want more sun and heat how's this grab you 38 degrees today and it's only Spring!!
    Take care now and have a good day.
    Lyn xx


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