Friday, 15 February 2013


I spy hyacinths and crocus peeking through the earth in my garden and the sun is shining ... could this mean Spring has at last arrived?  I do hope so!

I'm feeling much brighter today ... I am a great believer in the body's capacity to heal itself and rest seems to be working well for me this week, for which I am eternally grateful. Sadly I have had to cancel my stand at the Hugglets show in London next weekend, but on a happier note, since the pressure to meet the show deadline has been removed, I have instead been able to enjoy a little knitting and Downton Abbey on DVD ... there must be worse ways to spend a few days!


  1. a wonderful lovely bear i like it all on her. hugs from sylvia

  2. What a lucky bear to wear this beautiful dress. It fits so well. I'm glad you have turned the corner and are starting to feel better.

  3. I love her too bits Paula, she's a real cutie ♥

    Hugs, Thea x

  4. It's good to hear you're on the mend, with enough energy to knit that beautiful dress for your sweet little bear. Enjoy the promise of Spring, and think of us South Aussies sweltering in a heatwave - hopefully the last of summer!
    Hugs, Kayzy


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