Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Old Pals

I've called this lovely trio 'Old Pals' and they are my last shop exclusive bears for 2012.  They are travelling to the One More Bear shop in Stoke on Trent today ...

Betsy, Secondhand Sam & Matty

I have worked with many shops, both in the UK and overseas, throughout my twenty or so bear-making years ... some experiences have been good, some less good, some shops are still trading and sadly, several great bear shops are no longer trading. I am happy to say the shops I work with today are owned and run by genuinely nice, bear-minded people, who care about their customers and bear artists and have a true passion for teddy bears.

In particular, I would like to say a big thank you to Tracy at the 'One More Bear' shop in Stoke on Trent, Robert at 'The Bear Shop' in Norwich and Graeme at 'Apple Pie House' in Gloucester, for inviting me to create teddy bears for their shops throughout this year ... it has been a privilege to work with you and a pleasure to share my work with both you and your customers.

I am delighted to be adding an old friend to my portfolio of shops in 2013!  Lovely Pat Johnson from the beautiful Teddies of Mt Holly shop in New Jersey, has invited me to create a limited edition shop exclusive for the New Year.  I have arranged to meet Pat in London at the end of February so she can fly the bears back to the US to meet her regular collectors in person.  Several years ago I enjoyed working regularly with the Teddies of Mt Holly shop, so I am thrilled to be making special bears for them once again!

And now that my 2012 shop orders are all finished, I think it's time to welcome in the festive season with some Christmas tunes while I work on a couple of beautiful big bears for 'Santa's Sack' ... better late than never eh?!

1 comment:

  1. I'll second you there Paula about the stores. For 2012 I've had very pleasant and very nice working experience with 2 UK stores and a French store in Paris - looking forward to working with them in the new year:o))So all in all it has been a very good year!!
    Take care and have a good day.
    Hugs Lyn x


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