Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Summer Breeze makes me feel fine!

One of the challenges facing all bear artists, is that of knowing when to diversify and when to return to creative roots.  Most good bear designers love to try new techniques and relish taking a wander off course from time to time, but there's also much to be said for refining the hard earned skills which are truest to your bear-making heart.

21" Summer Breeze

For those of you who have followed my work for any length of time, I hope you will agree, my latest bear 'Summer Breeze', (hot off the press today!) proudly bears my creative signature, big, bold and although I probably shouldn't say so myself, really rather beautiful!


  1. He's lovely, Paula. I do love a plump bear!

  2. He IS BIG, BOLD, and BEAUTIFUL. and you have every right to say it.
    He is wonderful.

  3. for me is this baer the absolutly best baer. wonder-wonderful

    hugs from sylvia


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