Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Scrap Heap Challenge

Once every quarter, I put my thinking cap on and try to come up with an interesting challenge for the Guild of Master Bearcrafters; something to help crank up those creative artistic juices!  With news bulletins constantly reminding us to be more frugal, recycle and generally 'draw in our belts', it dawned on me this time, that a return to the wartime 'make do and mend' ethos could be fun ... and so our 'Scrap Heap Challenge' was born!  We are avoiding the temptation to use expensive mohair, instead we're hunting around for suitable fabric scraps with which to create our bears!

As usual, I'm way behind the rest of the group and am aware the deadline looms this Saturday.  I will be working on my Scrap Heap Challenge bear this week and have decided to sacrifice an elderly pair of much-loved Levis ... it's time to face facts Paula, they won't ever fit you again, so they might as well be put to good use!

I've never made a denim bear before, so this should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your recylcled denim bear Paula, I can think of two good names for him! ;0)


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