Friday, 1 July 2011

Besten Dank!

I have exciting news to share today!  I have just received an advance copy of the latest issue of the German teddy bear magazine 'Teddy & Co', and my bears have been given a magnificent five pages to show off in!

Teddy Bear & Co - July 2011 issue

I have Richard Backschas, teddy bear artist, writer and collector, to thank for writing this fabulous feature, so Vielen Dank  to Richard, for taking the time to showcase my work so generously.  It really is a huge compliment to have my bears (and my photographs) published in Germany!

Now I need to dust off my very ropey schoolgirl German and work out what has been said ... I should have paid attention in class instead of daydreaming in my lessons eh?!

If you would like to find out more about the Teddy Bear & Co magazine, please visit their website at:


  1. Congratulations Paula!! That's brilliant news! :0)

  2. Congratulations Paula! Can't read a word but the pictures look great.

  3. So happy for you, Paula. i' m curious, wish i can read this article, i try to assess this link, but still don't know how to find your page...poor me ;(

  4. ah! i can read the April issue now, looking forward to the July issue.


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