Thursday, 19 May 2011

Ever wondered ... ?

Ever wondered how to embroider a stripey nose for your bear?

I make my striped noses very simply.  No templates, no glueing, no measuring.  Just plain 'ol stitching and careful tensioning!

I always start in the centre and work out to the side ... then back to the centre and out to the other side.  My noses require two layers of stitching.  To make a stripey nose I simply use two separate coloured threads and two sewing needles and stitch one, then the other.

Alternatively, multi-coloured embroidery thread gives a great effect too!

This is a fun, simple way to give your bears even greater personality - go on, give it a go, you know you want to!


  1. Your noses are always so perfect Paula.
    Love the stripes.

  2. Thank you so much Paula for sharing your master workmanship with us!
    Best regards

  3. This is just great! I wish I could do that...

  4. Thanks for sharing that tip and very nicely done noses they are too Paula:o))
    Take care and have a good weekend.
    Hugs Lyn x

  5. Your noses are always so perfect!!!!

  6. Great tip Paula! I shall give it a try =) Thank you!

    Hugs, Wayne


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