Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Signs of Spring ...

I'm sitting at my desk with the doors to the garden flung wide open today because Spring has arrived and it is absolutely glorious!  I think there's something very special about early Spring in England and it has me reaching for my camera ...

My special pink camelia

The photograph above was taken only half an hour ago and is of a special camelia given to me by my Dad, many years ago.  I brought this plant from my previous garden when I moved house four years ago and nervously transplanted it, hoping it would survive the upheaval.  Luckily my pink camelia loves its new garden and as you can see, is blooming enthusiastically! Dad, always a keen gardener, would have been delighted his gift to me still brightens my garden each Spring ... and brings a smile to my face.

Daisy soaks up a little early Spring sunshine!

As you can see, Daisy too has been enjoying the Spring sunshine this morning ... reaching her pretty little face to the sky, just like my camelia!

1 comment:

  1. I heard from my sister this morning, she lives in Haworth in West Yorkshire and she was also so excited about Spring coming and all the new growth, etc. Enjoy the springtime Paula, it really is a wonderful time of year in England.
    Hugs, Coraleen


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