Friday, 25 February 2011

Introducing my show bears!

So here they are!  All nine bears, ready for hugs a-plenty in London on Sunday!  If you can make it to the show in Kensington Town Hall, please stop by stand 63 in Hall 2 to meet me and the bears in person ... we'd love to see you there!

15" Etta

17" Bramwell

17" Larkspur

20" Boswell

15" Ella

22" Maxwell

13" Polly & 13" Solly

16" Myrtle

Well, as you can probably imagine, that's me beared out for this week!  All there is left to do is sort out adoption fees, hangtags and the like, pack up my little car, then early on Sunday morning haul my backside out of bed and 'hit the road Jack' ...

Hope to see you there!


  1. são ursos lindos,eu amo ursos,um beijo do Brasil

  2. I love your bears! they are so nice and adorable!
    I like 17"Larkspur most of all!!

  3. Such a lovely lot Paula, good luck at the show...not that you'll need it.


  4. Oh wow! They're all so beautiful!! Polly & Solly are just the sweetest. I just love their colours as well as Polly's collar and Solly's waistcoat. Have a great show. :)

  5. This bears are wonderful.
    Greetings Iris

  6. великолепные игрушки!!!!!!!!!!1 полный восторг!


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