Saturday, 13 November 2010

Teddies Worldwide Holiday Bear Show

The show must go on!

Yes, it's time for me to announce the 'Teddies Worldwide Holiday Show' sneak preview which launches on Monday 15th November.  Please visit for an enticing glimpse of what's to come when this brand new show opens to collectors next weekend (weekend of 20th & 21st November).

In the meantime, I need to head back to up my workroom to finish my special show bears ... there's still plenty of work to be done!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you lots of luck for the show, I'm sure you'll be creating wonderful friends :) I'm thinking of you as I know just how it feels to loose a parent, I really know that feeling of not being able to pick up the phone, it's tough. But I am sure he is there somehow laughing along with you as you play scrabble. Big Hugs, Catherine xx


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