Saturday, 11 September 2010

Nailing it!

By some little miracle seven new bears have materialised in time for tomorrow's show ... hooray!!!!  I'm calling them my 'Careworn Classics' because they are all lovely cuddly traditional bears created in semi-careworn style.  Needless to say, I would have preferred to have a couple more bears for my stand, (isn't that always the way?!) but never mind, seven should be fine.  I spent yesterday on my knees crawling around the living room floor between cables and lighting equipment, with camera in hand ... you would not believe how long it takes to photograph seven bears and today my old lady legs actually ache as a result of all the crouching and crawling!

My 'Careworn Classics' collection
Full details and more pics can be found on my website at

Unfortunately I haven't quite managed to finish 'Autumn Prim Dolly Doodle', so she sends her apologies because it's unlikely she will be able to attend in person tomorrow.  As you can see below, she's not really dressed for the occasion!

My Autumn Prim Dolly Doodle

If I conjure up some spare time this afternoon, I will make her dress and bloomers from those lovely fabrics on the chair and if by another little miracle they don't take too long, maybe I'll be able to finish her hair and shoes too ... but with all the other 'little' jobs waiting for me today, I think it's unlikely she'll be dressed and decent enough to show off in Kensington tomorrow.

So here I am on the day before show day with a list of jobs as long as my arm to complete, not least of which is making time to paint my tatty chipped nails before they disgrace me in public! 

If you were to peek into my workroom today you'd probably frown at the chaos I've created, but I'm simply going to close the door this weekend and worry about tidying next week - there's no point making too much work for myself today when there are so many more important jobs to deal with.  The most important thing is that everything is packed and ready to travel to London at the crack of dawn!

For full show details please visit:

If you are hoping to come to the 'Teddies 2010' show tomorrow, please stop by stand 75 in Hall 2 to meet my bears, we'd all love to meet you!


  1. Ooh, we love the new collection. We do believe that poor dolly is blushing withour her clothes on though!

    Hope you have a great day tomorrow


    Katy and Beatrix

  2. Good luck for tomorrow, the bears look fabulous together.

  3. You little hug of bears looks so adorable, I'm sure you will do well.
    Wishing you the best of luck, and enjoy yourself.

  4. your bears are tooo cute! i love them all!
    good luck and a happy festival!
    best wishes


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