Tuesday, 6 July 2010

A past life present.

Have you ever wondered what bear artists did before they were bear artists?  Thanks to the amazing reach of social networking technology, I recently received a reminder of a past life ...

1981: Eighteen, with attitude!

Back when jeans were spray painted, lip gloss tasted of strawberries, the Hairy Cornflake ruled the morning airwaves and Ipods had yet to be dreamed of, my first job at the grand old age of eighteen, was as secretary for an entertainments agency in London.  I used to scrape myself into a pair of skinny jeans, plonk myself on a train and arrive at an office in The Strand by the skin of my teeth each morning, just in time to make coffee for the bosses.

Venigmas' recording 'Strangelove' ... good old 7" vinyl!

There was an mean ol' electric typewriter on my desk with a frustratingly unique perception of the art of spacing between words, oh how I hated that thing!  But once envelopes had been addressed and invoices typed, I was sometimes invited to type song lyrics for 'Venigmas', a job I loved!  Venigmas were a gutsy Glaswegian indie band, busting to make it big in the music industry way back in the very early 80's.  I was eighteen years young, loving my time as a fly on the wall in studios and watching them strut their stuff on tiny stages in smoky pubs and clubs on the indie band 'circuit' ... memories guaranteed to make me smile even now, almost three decades later.

Anyway, to cut a brief story even shorter, I'd like to share a little music with you here today!  

Introducing a very old friend of mine, Owen Paul McGee ... once upon a memory, lead singer with the Venigmas ...

I do hope you enjoy Owen's music. If you would like to know more about his work, please visit www.owenpaulmcgee.com 

... and if the urge takes you, why not follow it and visit,

http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/2373288/About-Time/Product.html?ptsl=1&ob=Price&fb=0to to purchase a copy of Owen's album,
'About Time'.

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