Thursday, 3 September 2009

The Golden Season

There are few pleasures in life I enjoy more than clomping through woods on a Sunday afternoon. Stuart's grandson came visiting at the weekend, so after lunch the three of us strolled along the lane, while the little man trailed his stick in the dirt absorbed in drawing 'monster feet' to guide us to the local woods.   
From little acorns ...To be honest, Autumn hadn't really registered with me until Sunday when I noticed acorns scattered on the ground and all manner of wild berries growing in the hedgerows - it was only then I realised summer had made way for the discreet arrival of the golden season.

Gathering blackberries with Grandad
Our own little oak soon discovered the joy of ruining his t-shirt with blackberry stains, as sweet purple juice burst on his tongue ...

Enjoying the September sunshine

Autumn  fruits

There's no doubt about it, while I was preoccupied with bears, show preparation and the general business of life, I blinked and almost missed the changing season ... our English countryside is now rich with Autumn fruit and golden colour.  Beautiful!


  1. there is something ever so special about the change of Season, it seemed to creep up so quickly this year! I LOVE collecting blackberries, I remember blackberry fights with my cousins - oh the mess we got into :)
    Catherine xx

  2. Oh I love the photos Paula! Something we don't get here where I live is the wild berries. It looks so scrummy I want to jump right into your blog ;)


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