Tuesday, 12 May 2009

A celebration of bear artistry

After fifteen years creating bears, I may be considered an old timer when it comes to bearcrafting in the UK, but it is worth noting that bear artistry came to the fore in the US many years before we Brits caught on. The lovely Ginger Brame of 'Bearbits' fame, is currently celebrating her 25th bearcrafting anniversary with a fabulous blog giveaway. Please spare a moment to visit Ginger's blog and leave a congratulatory comment ... such long term dedication to the craft of creating such wonderful bears definitely deserves applause!


'Posy' created by Ginger Brame of Bearbits, to celebrate her 25th bearcrafting anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paula, Thank you for such kind words. As you probably know yourself, the time goes by in a blink! It certainly doesn't feel like 25 years. I appreciate the mention on this lovely blog of yours. I wish you continues success with your bears and your upcoming show too! I have one as well so I must get back to sewing.


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.