Thursday, 4 December 2008

Dolly's done!

'Miss Emily', a birthday gift for a special niece. Knitting pattern by Jean Greenhowe from her 'Traditional Favourites' booklet.

I've enjoyed knitting dolly so much, I was rather sorry to finish her on Tuesday evening! Finished she is though and ready now for her birthday wrapping, in plenty of time for my little niece Emma's third birthday.

I will be seeing Emma (and big sister Charlie) on Saturday and I'm hoping her mummy will indulge Auntie Paula by allowing her to present 'Miss Emily' to Emma in person a little before her special day; this will be their last visit to Kent in 2008, and I'd love to see Emma's smile when she unwraps her new dolly!

Well, now that dolly is done and dusted, methinks I need a new knitting project!


  1. Oh I love her! Bet Emma will do too! Takes me back to when my nieces were small and my sister knitted them Postman Pat, The Snowman etc.

    I know who to come to if I get stuck with a knitting pattern abbreviation! ;)

    Hugs, Sarah x

  2. Awww! She turned out wonderfully! Your niece will just love her :)

  3. Hello! Lovely to hear from you! I'm really pleased you like 'Miss Emily' and Laura Lynn, congratulations on taking the plunge to learn how to knit ... stick with it and I'm sure you'll find it really enjoyable!

  4. Stunning, Paula!
    Loove dolls! What a lovely gift for your little niece!


  5. She's wonderful! She will make a lovely present and I'm sure your niece will be thrilled - I would be and I'm quite a bit older!!! Another string to your already full bow! You are clever.

    Jackie x

  6. My word, you are highly talented Paula. Loved Miss Emily. - Dave

  7. She's beautifully done Paula ! Your niece will be so thrilled . My sons all had a Jean Greenhowe clown each ...although not knitted by me , as I can't knit for toffee !!
    I look forward to seeing the girly pink bear too ....drooool.


  8. aww what a pretty girl, you knitted her so quickly too!! I'll have to try this one day for my wee little niece too.
    Glad you got the cards Paula, thanks for your feedback :) Hugs, Catherine x

  9. Paula, she is amazing ! I have tried to knit without much luck. You are incredibly talented in many areas it seems ! I bet your niece will love her. What a special, ooak gift.

  10. Thank you all for your kind comments about Miss Emily! I'm delighted to tell you, little Emma was thrilled with her new dolly!


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