Tuesday, 4 November 2008

A mini break

After working on such a big bear for Edwina's Friends last week, I felt an urge to take a brief respite from my big 'uns yesterday and set to work creating my smallest bear to-date; at 13", he's still not quite as small as I'm eventually aiming for, but even so, he's pretty tiddly by my standards. One day I'll break my psychological 10 inch barrier I'm sure - I seem to be tackling it an inch at a time!

My 13" mini-break teddy bear

This little chap is not quite finished, so please pardon his rudey nudey shot - as you can see, he's waiting patiently in my armchair while I knit a winter woolly to cover his decency!


  1. What a sweetheart! The red and green looks very Christmassy.

    I've been planning on knitting some winter woollies for some of my bears. (I've a feeling they might want to go carol singing). Last night I had a brainwave of turning an odd sock into a hat for one of them! I think it'll work!

  2. oooooh - he's a cute "nudey" !! :0)
    He looks SO cosy there , all snuggled up waiting for his woolly-pulley . LOL :0)
    Mini Hugs , Ruth

  3. Love your idea of small!!!(**GRIN**)
    He looks absolutely gorgeous, as ever!
    Anji xx

  4. Oh I love this photo! So cosy and snuggly wuggly! He's a sweetie. You are downsizing and I'm upsizing!

    Hugs, Sarah x

  5. I just wanted to let you know I love your Bears and I wanted to know what the prices are, I live in the usa lisa

  6. Hi Loving Country! Thank you for your kind words, it's lovely to hear you are enjoying my bears! In general, my prices range from between £165.00 through to £300+ ... which is probably around $250 USD/$500USD

    I hope you'll be able to visit the Ho Ho Oh Bearz online show on Saturday 15th November ... the bears will be sold in dollars, so hopefully that will make things a little easier for the US collectors.


I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog.