Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Beary Merry Christmas from 1908!

Like many of you I'm sure, there are occasional times when the house is quiet, that my mind will wander, as will my fingers tips, clicking away here and there to see where in this online world of ours, I can transport myself. A week or so ago, I was enjoying an idle moment scrolling through bear related ephemera on a well known auction site, (you know the one, purveyor of all things curious and enticing) and as I casually clicked through lists of unnecessaries, a tiny picture enticed me and I heard myself whispering, 'oh go on Paula, why not?' So I did.

My charming 1908 Teddy Bear Postcard

Signed and franked December 25th 1908, from 'Grandma Berry' and sent from New York to Nashville, Tennessee.

To be honest, I'd completely forgotten my momentary stray from the straight and narrow by the time the postman arrived with a buff coloured, airmail envelope this morning. So what a lovely surprise to tear it open and find this little treasure inside! Wouldn't it make a super Christmas card design for next year?!


  1. Hi Paula! Thank you for your visit! I felt so honoured...!
    This is a gorgeous postcard! I love collecting old pieces like that, I have some in my own collection, but no one with a teddy bear (and I'd love to!). I'll go 'treasure- hunting'...
    Warmest wishes,

  2. Almost 100 years since it was sent! I love things like this. I wonder what happened to Miss Dorothy? I bet Grandma Berry could tell some interesting stories, too.

  3. That's what I love about these postcards too, the sense of history - so many untold tales! In fact, the cards that have been postmarked and written on intrigue me far more than the perfect, unwritten cards. I have a feeling this lovely card may well have started me on a new collecting bug!

  4. such a gorgeously charming image :) I do love these treasures with a sense of past. Catherine x

  5. I like old letters and cards, and specially liked this one. - Dave


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